Steve Gury

Distributed Systems, Programming Languages, Functional programming


Introduction to video-games technologies

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From 2008 to 2011, I was a lecturer at École des Mines de Nancy, teaching to master students a course that I named “Introduction to video games technologies”. This was a 8 weeks course (3 hours a week class) designed for students who already knew basic C++ programming but no other experience was required.

The goal of the course was to introduce all the component behind a modern game:

We used the Ogre 3D Engine, and all the exercises were done on Windows with Visual Studio.

The course was splitted in two part: 30% of lectures, 50% of small exercise (done in the classroom) and 20% for the final project.

Here is some materials (in french, sorry for the internationnal audience)

Write-up of the course (it covers 3D visualisation, animation, physic engine) Write-up

Visualisation 3D

Bump mapping

Architecture logicielle

Intelligence artificielle